Delicious light and fluffy, sweet yeasted buns filled with plum jam. 'Buhteljni' are traditional Slovenian sweet yeasted buns filled with jam. This recipe is based on a recipe that was passed down to me by my Stara Mama. Typically they are filled with plum jam, however, these Slovenian sweet rolls can also be filled with nutella, curd or poppyseed filling, or any other jam of your choice. (* Makes 24 Buhteljni)
Watch step by step instructions ->
- 4 cups of flour
- 1 tsp salt
- 4-5 Tbsp's sugar (or 50g)
- 50g butter, room temperature
- 2 x egg yolks, room temperature
- 300 ml warm milk
- 1 Tbsp lemon zest
- 1 1/2 Tbsp's Rum
- 2 x packages active dry yeast
- 100ml warm milk
- 1 tsp sugar
- 1 cup of plum jam
- if the jam is runny, add about 1-2 Tablespoons of bread crumbs.
*The jam can not be too runny, otherwise, it will leak out of the 'buhteljni' during the baking process.
+ 60-80g Melted butter * to brush on the sides of the buteljni
++ 1 beaten egg ** to brush the tops of the buhteljni
+++ Powdered Sugar (icing sugar) *to sprinkle on top before serving
- Add the 2 packages of yeast, 100ml warm milk, and 1 tsp sugar to a mug Give it a stir then set it aside for about 5-10 minutes for the yeast to bubble and activate.
- In a large mixing bowl we add the sifted flour. Make a well in the middle of the flour and sprinkle the salt around the edges.
- In the middle of the well add the; egg yolks, sugar, warm milk, yeast, lemon zest, rum and butter.
- Begin mixing. If you are using a stand mixer, using a dough hook mix for about 10 minutes. Dough is ready when it comes away from the bowl cleanly, but it should still be a little sticky. *Add more warm milk if the dough seems too hard or more flour if too runny/soft, adding only 1 Tablespoon at a time.
- Sprinkle the surface you are working on, remove dough from the bowl. Using your hands, knead the dough on the floured work surface, only for another minute or so. Work the dough to form it into a nice round smooth soft ball.
- Cover bowl with clear plastic wrap (saran wrap) and place it in a warm area away from any window or draft. Allow the dough to rise for about 1 1/2 - 2 hours.
- Remove the risen dough and place it onto the floured surface you are working on. Use a rolling pin to roll out to dough to a large square or rectangular shape. The dough should be rolled out to about 1 cm in thickness.
- Use a pizza cutter or pastry wheel to cut the dough into rectangles. Each piece should be around 4 1/2 inches x 3"
- Add 1 heaping teaspoon of plum jam to the bottom of the one long end of each piece, or any filling of your choice. *If the jam you are using is not really thick, be sure to add 1-2 tablespoons of breadcrumbs to ensure that it doesn't leak out from the buhteljni during the baking process.
- Fold in one side, using your finger tips press down the edges, now fold in the other side, so it overlaps, again using your finger tips to seal both ends.

12. Brush melted butter on all the sides that will be touching the sides of the dish or another 'buhtelj"
16. Place into a 350 degree F (or 180-200C) oven. Bake for 45 to 1 hour.
17. Remove from the oven. Let rest for about 2 minutes. Flip over on to a cooling rack or plate. Sprinkle with powdered sugar (icing sugar) before serving.
Dober tek XO
I want to see your delicious photos!
I hope this recipe becomes a new favourite for you and your family. If you make something and post it on social media, please tag #sloveniankitchen or @slovenska_kuhinja so I can see it on Facebook and Instagram too!
Lots of love,
Michelle Pušič Ryall XO
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